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Price Details

  • Registration Ticket - 16 KM Ride₹99

TOUR DE CITY Wheeling Towards Wellness - Season 2

The Himalayan Foundation Chandigarh brings to you an adventurous opportunity to participate in the second season of its Cyclothon



The cyclotron is to be held as per the following schedule 

Date: 16th June, 2024 (Sunday)

Time: 5:30 am onwards

Venue: Sports Complex, Sector 7, Chandigarh 

Distance: 16KM


The event will involve a number of cyclists riding around Chandigarh while raising awareness for a greener and sustainable city. 


The 16KM Route for Cyclothon will be as follows-

Starting from Sports Complex Sector 7, Chandigarh ➡️ Sukhna Lake ➡️ High Court Chowk ➡️ Cricket Stadium Sector 16 and back to the venue via same route.


To participate in this event, you are required to pay an amount of Rs. 99/- as a Registration Fee. This payment is non-refundable. 


All the participants will be provided with T-shirts, Certificates and Refreshments who make it to the finishing line, thereby completing the route of Cyclothon.




Thanks & Regards
The Himalayan Foundation Chandigarh

Waiver Statement: 


I affirm and state that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained for participating in the designated race. I have been certified to be physically fit by licensed medical practitioner and agree to indemnify the organizers its agents, employees and associates, the organizing committee and other persons connected to the event against any losses, damages, costs, liabilities, claims or proceedings arising out of any misstatement and/ or misrepresentation made herein.



Thanks & Regards
The Himalayan Foundation Chandigarh

