Hosting a Physical Event During a Pandemic- Everything You Need to Know!


There is no surprise that interest in outdoor events peaks during the festive season. But, this time, the wait went long for the ground events due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, as lockdown measures by the Government continue to relax across the country, there is an opportunity to host events in the real world.

Now, we can think of days before the pandemic. That smell of food grilling to the soft grass, we will now again cherish the crowd, but with care. The outdoor events have an opportunity to address safety concerns such as sanitation and crowd density while bringing fun.

Therefore, here you unlock the ultimate guide to host physical events during the COVID-19 pandemic-

Venue Logistics and Gathering Limit

The outdoor venue should be accessible and easy to get to. It is imperative from your guests’ point of view to reach hassle-free to the venue. Accessibility is also crucial when it comes to sorting out hiring for entertainment, equipment, and catering. A venue should be sanitized and spacious for limited gathering.

Event organizers should maintain the Coronavirus safety rules so that fun and the virus don’t collapse. Try to go creative with your theme. It should guide the attendees to support the social distance, wear stylish masks, and carry their sanitizers. Let these things be part of every outdoor event.

COVID-19 Safety for Physical Events

It is the most crucial aspect of event planning to consider during the ongoing pandemic. And, one must say it is the highest priority. While organizing physical events safely, there is a need to take extra precautions to ensure every attendee stays safe. Consider the following safety regulations-

  • Create distance limitations around the stalls or buffets or bars
  • Make sure of gathering in low numbers to get extra space for social distancing.
  • Keep the use of masks mandatory for everyone in the event.
  • Prevent gel sanitizer in throughout the locations
  • Make sure no grouping takes place.


A Slow Pace of Virtual Events Heading to Physical Events

Conducting a virtual event is now shifting to a ground event. The event organizers now have the option to run events online and on-ground despite the pandemic or not. It is because the digital presence is eternal. However, many of you have attended the virtual event amid the lockdown.

But, now the events are happening outdoors, the organizers must be vigilant to ensure safety. There is a considerable difference in attending open-mic events currently and before the pandemic. For instance, mention the number of seatings available, deeming the social distancing norms for the event. There should be a limit in audience participation.

Technology is the Forever King!

Remember those days when you planned an event and mention only the date, venue, entertainment props, facilities, and registration portals. But now the story is new. Technology usage has become a necessity. The social distancing won’t let people sitting, at last, to enjoy what’s happening on the stage.

Thus, the screens will be placed for them to see the picture of the performance. The introduction to headphone concerts (each participant with one headphone) would be a great idea that one can anticipate bringing back the entertainment as it was before Coronavirus.

A Back-up Plan is Must

In the present times, the event regulations can change overnight due to the COVID-19 presence. It means you have to be ready for whatever comes your way- rescheduling or cancellation. You must ensure that your guests understand the risks involved in attending your event, from both a financial and safety perspective.

Attending an event comes out with excellent opportunities for performers and audiences. However, it is your responsibility to give an alert message to how their health is the priority. It doesn’t stop them from attending your event but will encourage them to step out of their homes with a required safety shield.

Further, executing the best ways to host events in the COVID-19 pandemic includes the online version of your event as well. It makes you reach more people and allow the audience to choose how they would like to attend the event- online or on the ground. Many people favor attending the physical event for a refreshing break from their regular schedules.


About The Author

Ritu Thakur

Ritu Thakur has been a passionate writer and content marketing strategist for more than seven years. Along with inking words, she is a yoga enthusiast who encourages people with a healthy lifestyle. Her work has ranged from technical writing to creative fiction and has been published in numerous online venues.

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