Considering the fact that the body is not a machine though it works like one, the fuel i.e. the diet, we supply it with will determine how well it functions, given the kind of usage it entails. However, fueling the human body is not as simple as filling your car tank with petrol or diesel. Whether we are into jogging/running, walking or hitting the gym for a workout, we need to complement our exercise regimen with a balanced diet plan for gym/running/jogging, characteristic of the type of physical exercise we do.
Why do we need to supplement exercise with good diet plan?

In terms of human biology, the body is made up of numerous complex processes that collaborate and interact with one another. Apart from physical activity, the optimum functioning of your body will depend on your diet plan — the constitution of your diet, the time of your nutrient intake, and the quantities necessary not just to satisfy the needs of your physical exercise load, but also to support biological processes going on in the body.
Here we bring to your notice, a kind of a diet plan that is recommended for the different modes of physical exertion you use to keep yourself physically fit.
Diet Plan for Walkers
The diet plan of walkers will depend on many factors – the amount of walking a person does, and individual considerations such as height and weight, personal preferences and dietary restrictions.

To increase your stamina and ability to walk longer, protein is the most satiating macronutrient. That’s because protein decreases the hunger hormone ghrelin and stimulates the production of the satiety hormone leptin, which helps you feel fuller longer.
Pre-walk snack:
banana, oats, or any other fruit
Post-walk snack
Depending on how long or intense the walk is, your body may need to replenish the energy used during the walk by having a small post-walk snack.
- Eggs
- Nuts, seeds, beans
- Wholegrains quinoa, sweet or white potato, brown rice
- Chickpeas or lentils
- Yogurt (hung curd)
Diet Plan for Gym
If you are a work-out person, in every meal, your gym diet plan should contain good fats like almonds, seeds, dates, eggyolk; fibres like fruits and vegetables, proteins like chicken, fish, pulses, and carbs present in wholegrains like rice, wheat, etc.

Pre-workout diet
As per gym diet plan, Focus on carbohydrates for maximum energy. Eating or drinking carbohydrates, like whole-grain cereals or bread, low-fat milk, juice, yogurt before exercise can improve workout performance and may allow you to workout for a longer time or at a higher intensity in gym.
- Energy bar
- Banana, apple
- Peanut butter sandwich
- Whole-grain cereals or bread
- Oatmeal, almonds, milk
Post-workout diet
- Fibre: yogurt+ fruit
- Proteins: chicken, fish, egg
- Carbs : sweet potato, rice, wholewheat bread
- Fat: avocado, nuts, seeds
Try these combinations, post work out:
- Egg omelet with peanut butter on whole-grain toast
- Grilled chicken with roasted vegetables and rice
- Chicken with sweet potato
- Whole grain bread sandwich with salad fillings
- Oatmeal, banana, and almonds
- Cottage cheese and fruits
- Cereal with dairy or soy milk
- Protein shake and banana
Diet Plan for Runners/ Joggers
You must be wondering, why is it important to have a diet plan for runners/joggers? While running, your body pulls glucose in the beginning from the blood to power muscles. As levels of glucose begin to dip, the body begins to convert stored glycogen back into glucose through a process called glycogenolysis. As intensity of the exercise increases, such as in shorter distance runs and sprints, your body uses carbohydrates as a primary fuel source and fats as a secondary source. During long-lasting endurance exercise, your body turns to its fat stores as a primary source of energy.

Pre-jogging diet
- Dry fruits (low fibre, easily digestible, provide energy quickly)
- Ginger extract will reduce muscle soreness
- Whole grain pasta
- Banana (rich in potassium, lowesr BP)
- Oats (keeps you full longer)
- Broccoli (rich in Vit C, prevents sore muscles)
- Black coffee without milk and sugar
- Flax seeds
Post-jogging diet
- Dark chocolate (reduces inflammation)
- Plain curd (for recovery and muscle protection)
- Eggs (within an hour combined with a carb)
- Potatoes with chicken, fish, fried eggs
- Beet root will relieve muscle soreness
- Peanut butter (anti-oxidant)
What is the Difference in Diet of Runners and Joggers?
Runners burn more calories so they need extrax calories. The diet plan for runners will vary from person to person, how many times in a week he is training, BMR (Body mass ratio), daily expenditure of food, etc.
The calorie intake of joggers is less as compared to runners, while people who are involved in professional running where frequency and intensity of physical exertion is more, calorie intake is maximum. However, nutrtional balance has to be maintanied in the diet plan in all three formats.
For people who do more running, a nutritional balance of proteins, fibres, macro amd micro nutrients is necessary, besides proper intake of carbs and fats.
So, in conclusion, diet plan for gym, walking and running is a little different from each other but the key is to have the right potion and balance of different dietary nutrients. For best results of your phyiscal activity regimen, you need to supplement it with a good diet plan,