Chandigarh: Punjab Engineering College (Deemed-to-be University) Chandigarh, celebrated the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies on 7th September 2022 in the Administrative Block, PEC at 11 am.
Prof.(Dr) Baldev Setia, Director, PEC addressed the audience regarding the significance of the day and how it is aimed to raise public awareness at all levels of society including individuals, community, corporate and government about the importance of clean air for health, economy and the environment. The day was celebrated by taking the pledge as directed by the Chandigarh Administration.

All the faculty members and staff members pledged, administered by Prof.(Dr) Baldev Setia, Director, to work for keeping the environment clean and reducing their carbon footprints by making changes in their daily activities and being mindful of their actions to make the city clear and clean.