‘Healthy Streets Will Promote Cycling And Walking in Chandigarh’


To promote cycling in Chandigarh on a larger scale, Chandigarh Smart City Limited & Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh, have come together to execute the concept by brainstorming the issue. As a right step in this direction, the second ‘Healthy Streets Capacity Building Workshop’ is being held at The Lalit Hotel, Chandigarh in partnership with the Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, ITDP, the knowledge partner – Patiala Foundation and Municipal Corporation Chandigarh.

Promotion of Cycling And Walking in Chandigarh

“Walking and cycling are the cleanest ways to get around a city, and both can have enormous benefits for health, greenhouse gas emissions, air quality, road safety and equity. Despite it being the most environment friendly, healthy and low-cost mode of travel, cycling, for many upper-class urban Indians, is merely another way to keep fit. However, for a sizeable number of people who are employed in the informal sector, cycling is a vital component of their work lives.”, said Nitin Kumar Yadav, Secretary Local Government, UT Administration, Chandigarh during the inaugural session of the workshop.

100 officials from 35 cities across India, including Smart City CEOs, are attending the workshop

Over 100 officials from 35 cities across India, including Smart City CEOs, are attending the workshop.

A ‘Healthy Streets Vision’ and ‘Design Workbook’ was also released which will guide Chandigarh administration and other associated parties to carry out strategic changes will help make streets suitable for cyclists and pedestrians.

Rahul Kapoor, Director, Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs said, “Through the India Cycles4Change and Streets4People Challenges, we have collectively achieved more than 500 km of healthy streets in the last few years. These challenges have helped us imagine and realise a world beyond cars. However, the real success will be when we scale up not just across, but beyond the cities enrolled under these challenges.”

Anindita Mitra IAS, Chief Executive Officer, Chandigarh Smart City Limited welcomed Nitin Kumar Yadav, Secretary Local Government, UT Administration, Chandigarh; Rahul Kapoor, Director, Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs; Councillors of Municipal Corporation Chandigarh, Sivasubramanium, National Lead Transport Systems and Electric Mobility, participants, partners from ITDP and media for being a part of healthy streets capacity building workshop.




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