‘Be Safe’ with Arshi Khan’s Nirbhik Mission


Riding on the fame of Big Boss, model Arshi Khan is using this achievement for a bigger and better cause. In Chandigarh for the launch of her mission ‘Nirbhik’, she has started on a journey to equip young girls and boys with martial arts training. When you are out there alone, especially at young age when you don’t know how to react to a criminal mind, be prepared. This is the message.

Master Bhupesh, one of the 10 best martial arts trainers in India, is helping her in this drive. On a visit to Israel, they realized people, especially women, roam around freely without any fear, this gave a direction to their purpose.

Nirbhik mission

To be spread across the country,  the mission will teach girls and boys from schools and colleges the techniques of self defence with the help of Israeli martial art Krav Maga.  The first thing that comes to mind is how do you decide you are actually facing a criminal mind — Read their facial expression and body language to get a clue.

Israeli martial art Krav Maga

Karv Maga is an Israeli martial art technique that uses a mix of techniques from judo, karate, wrestling for self-defence in real-world situations.

It also advocates the use of tools and weapons like rod, stick, keys, etc. if you are in a dangerous situation. It also teaches how to combat by attacking the sensitive body parts of the attacker. One needs to save oneself and also attack the intruder, so you need to act two ways.

 Self-defense and attack together

In other self-defense techniques, defense and attack are considered two separate actions. In Karva Maga, you have to defend yourself and attack the enemy at the same time. With the help of this, the enemy can be easily fooled.

 Attack on the sensitive parts of the body

In Karva Maga, it is taught to target the sensitive parts of the body. When these organs are attacked the attacker is immediately battered. In Karva Maga, it is believed that when your life is in danger, then there is no scope to think about good and bad.

 Takes advantage of nearby weapons or items

In addition to using the body in Karva Maga, the proper use of weapons is also taught. They are told how to use those things which are easily available like knife, gun, stick, key or any other thing available at the moment


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