On World Egg Day, can we change ‘an apple a day’ idiom to ‘an egg a day keeps the doctor away?’
And interestingly, City Beautiful Chandigarh takes the lead in egg consumption, with a sale of over two lakh eggs every day in winter.
The all-time favourite, easily available complete power food is the best option for breakfast, what other way to relish it and recall its benefits on world egg today (Oct 14).

All the supply to the Tricity comes from Barwala in Haryana, apart from commercial poultry farms, CPDO (Central poultry development organization) northern range and backyard poultry.
According to the national nutrition council, 1 egg is equivalent to 4 eggs.

What are its benefits
Good cholesterol: Eating eggs leads to elevated levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), also known as the “good” cholesterol. People who have higher HDL levels have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health issues. According to a study, eating two eggs a day for six weeks increased HDL levels by 10%.
Good for eyes: As we get older, we need to take better care of our eyes. Egg yolks contain large amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, helpful antioxidants. Eggs are also high in vitamin A, which is beneficial for eye health.
Protein source: Eggs are are considered a complete source of high quality protein because they contain all nine essential amino acids. Getting enough protein is very important for building bones and muscle, as well as maintaining good overall health.

One large boiled egg has about 77 calories and contains:
• Vitamins A, B5, B12, D, E, K, B6
• Folate
• Phosphorus
• Selenium
• Calcium
• Zinc
• Six grams of protein
• Five grams of healthy fats

Namita Satija, Owner, Bettr Eggs, Chandigarh, has a word of caution for regular egg-eaters
1. Labelling them as organic, some poultry farmers use synthetic pigment to give an orange tinge to egg yolk (considered a sign of enriched eggs), you need to be wary of the orange yolk, all eggs with orange yolk may not be truly organic.
2. When we peel the shell of a boiled egg, the more difficult it is to peel it, the fresher the egg. The more easily the crust comes off, means the older the egg is.
3. Sometimes, we come across a tinge of blood spots in the egg yolk when we break it on the pan or a container, it is because of a ruptured blood vessel because of some kind of trauma to the hen while laying it. It might appear unpalatable, so remove that bit, rest of the egg is good to eat.
4. There is a requirement of 30-40 pc proteins to make up the body tissue. An egg is the next best thing after mother’s milk to fulfill a child’s dietary needs.